
Our Hope for Mattie is that one day she will reach her full potential. Many of the therapies Mattie undergoes are not covered by insurance and there are many other therapies that we want to try. In order to help cover the costs of these therapies and medical expenses, we have a few fundraising events taking place in 2017.

 For more details see below.

We have set up a bank account and a paypal account for Mattie to accept donations/gifts (not tax-deductible).

Donations/Gifts can be mailed to: Hope for Mattie * PO Box 272605 * Tampa, FL 33688 (make checks payable to Mattingly Spinner) or click donation button below.

Hope for WP

To learn more about Mattie, check out Mattie’s Story


Our Hope for Mattie is that one day she will reach her full potential. Many of the therapies Mattie undergoes are not covered by insurance. Your support will enable Mattie to continue her therapies and one day reach her ultimate goal of walking. Check out the different therapies Mattie takes part in by clicking the picture below.

Hi Horse


Thank you to our family, friends, and all the wonderful people that have shown us support. We are truly grateful. Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle and Mattie proves that to us everyday.

Thank You!